Individual Career Session Length
1st Session 1.5 hours
2nd Session 1 hour
Individual sessions are unique but may include some of the following:
- Understanding motivations and aspirations for change
- Taking charge of your career-building process
- Understanding how to enhance your strengths, skills and knowledge
- Managing any fears associated with changing careers
- Understanding how skills can be transferable
- Career assessment and career decision making
- Locate and use effective career information
- Identification of educational and training options
- Resume writing and cover letter development
- Selection criteria writing
- Knowing where and how to access reliable career information
- Interview preparation and follow up information
- Knowing what working conditions we want for ourselves
- Managing stress at work
- Determining the value/importance of work for ourselves
- Knowing how to solve interpersonal problems
- Knowing how to plan for and apply coping strategies or new career scenarios during transitional periods (e.g. starting a family, retirement, or losing a job)
- Incorporate life/work balance into the career building process
- Explore non-traditional life and work options
Enquire With Our Career Practitioners
Call on (07) 3355 6688 or complete the form below.