Parents Return To Work Counselling In Brisbane
Qualified Career Counsellors can provide guidance on everything you need to consider when returning to work
If you are nearly about to return to work or you have just recently returned to work after either maternity leave or paternity leave, then you understandably have a lot on your plate in relation to your family, home life and keeping your career moving.
This is considered a highly stressful time in one’s life, and whilst some may relish the challenge, the reality is that the majority of us feel a higher than normal level of anxiety during this time, and therefor your work can be impacted in some way.
If you are not enjoying your return to work period then this is the perfect opportunity to speak with a Qualified Career Counsellor and Practioner at our office on Brisbane’s Northside.
Like you, we have been through this very situation ourselves, and we understand how important the next decisions that you make at this time can be, especially if it impacts your current role or future career opportunities.
Give our friendly team a call at the Career Development Centre and book in a return to work career counselling session today.
Find out more about what is discussed during a career discussion is here