Our Story

Career Development Centre Founders Story
Having professionally crossed paths for a number of years Sally and Amy brought their experience and expertise together in 2017 to create and grow the Career Development Centre.
Their focus was on building a business that supported all aspects of individual career development and the creation and maintaining of mentally well workplaces through one-to-one sessions, Employee Assistance Programs and delivering Mental Health First Aid to corporates and members of the public.
With a spring boarding of early growth, the directors spent time with their clients to find out what could be missing and accelerate change in improving mental health awareness and support in workplaces. From these consultations and the extensive research that followed they created the Online Mental Health Induction program. The team can now boast that this program, the first of its kind in Australia, was picked up by a global organisation within the first 6 months of its launch. They now have a suite of programs both online and face to face available for small businesses to large corporations.
Career Development Centre Culture
The Career Development Centre business model was designed as a fair and democratic model to reflect the shared values of the current directors steeped in a belief in equality and the notion that no-one should be left behind or feel unsupported. They believe this point of difference sets them apart and take this conviction into all interactions with individuals and business clients they work with both locally and globally.