The Stress Associated With Promotions & How to Prepare Your Employees For Leadership

Being promoted from your technical role to a managerial or leadership role within your organisation is usually met with excitement. It’s a sure sign that the company recognises your true value.  You have worked hard in your field and you have finally made it. Unfortunately, this type of promotion can cause insurmountable challenges for the ...


Unresolved Workplace Conflict Contributes to Mental Illness

Several studies have observed the role of work-related conflicts as a source of mental illness. Romanov et al. (1996), for example, found a correlation between mental illness and conflicts at work. And according to Hyde et al. (2006), unresolved conflicts or conflicts resolved through the use of authority are particularly risky. When conflict in the ...


Is it Really the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

5 Tips to Survive the Festive Season Christmas is just around the corner, children across the country are waiting with excited anticipation for the big day, but are you?? Christmas is considered to be one of our most stressful life events, it’s up there with divorce and moving house.   The demands upon us have already ...


How CEO’s & Leaders Can Create Mentally Well Workplaces

Creating a workplace that’s positive towards your employees’ mental health is simply the right thing to do. Every business has a legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace. This includes both physical and mental health; occupational health and safety involves psychological injury prevention. One in five adults will experience mental health difficulties, yet prejudice ...


An Open Letter to Australian Employers Regarding Mental Health 

I know you care about your staff. I know that as business owners and employers you are good and decent people who understand your responsibility to ensure your people are kept safe and in a healthy work environment. I also know, with a heavy heart, that this tends to focus around physical health and the ...


5 Steps to Create a Mentally Well Workplace

Australia is facing many workplace challenges, not least of which is employee mental health. The World Health Organisation has forecast that depression will become the leading contributor to the global burden of disease by 2030. It makes good sense, both financially and ethically, to monitor and address the mental health of your workforce.  Having a ...


Suicide – Let’s Talk About It

The death by suicide of Kate Spade, Fashion Designer, dominates the news.  Such a sad loss of life. When the media reports another death by suicide I see people making heartfelt comments expressing their shock and sending messages of support to families.  I imagine them reading the article and feeling sadness for all involved, expressing ...


The Pressure Return To Work Mums Face

Returning to work after being at home with your children can be a somewhat daunting transition for many mums. Whether you have been a stay at home mum for 6 months, 6 years or 16 years, the thought of re-entering the workplace can feel overwhelming. We place a great deal of pressure on ourselves.  We ...


3 Tips For Parents Offering Their Children Career Advice

Parents play a significant role in supporting their teenagers to make informed decisions about their career pathways. Traditionally, career counselling services for students was geared towards identifying an appropriate career destination and providing job market information. Those days are gone………. As the world of work demands more flexible work identities, narrow and linear forms of ...

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