Who is Looking After the Mental Health of our Business Owners & Leaders?

Anyone who has owns or runs a business knows that there are a range of stressors or challenges that go with the job. Putting in long hours, feeling isolated, worrying about cash-flow and all that decision making comes with a sense of great responsibility.  There can also be external factors outside their control that influence ...


5 Tips To Deal With Burnout in the Workplace

In a world where we are constantly on our smartphones, have access to 24-7 emails, social media and receive notifications on a range of devices, it is little wonder that it is increasingly difficult to switch off from our workplace. We once took our holidays and knew that our precious time with family and friends ...


Who’s Looking Out For The Mental Health Of Our Entrepreneurs & Start Ups?

Ask anyone who’s undertaken an entrepreneurial, startup or new business journey how they would they rate the experience in terms of impacting their mental well-being, and i’m almost certain the majority of responses would sway towards it being a stressful and highly anxious period of their lives, with a continual roller-coaster of high’s and low’s. ...


The True Financial Impact Of Mental Health At Work

There is growing evidence of the global impact of mental illness. Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the burden of disease and disability worldwide. Five of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental health problems. It can happen to anyone, regardless of age, race or social status. Furthermore, predictions indicate that there will be a dramatic increase ...


How Many Mental Health First Aiders Does A Company Need?

We often get asked at the Career Development Centre, how many Mental Health First Aiders do we need in our workplace? The reality is that this isn’t a simple question to answer, however we do recommend that you have at least the same amount of Mental Health First Aiders in your workplace as you do ...


Mentally Well Workplaces In RTO’s – What Does It Mean?

"This doesn’t apply to us, we don’t have anyone with a mental illness here!" Sounds appalling doesn’t it …. “Mentally Well Workplaces” … but what does it really mean? Surely all this wishy-washy attention on feeling good, being supported and emotional health isn’t something that sits well within the land of private training providers. Registered ...


The Need For More Mental Health Training In Australian Businesses   

Mental Health First Aid In Workplaces According to an Australian Bureau of Statistics study 45% of Australians between the ages of 16-85 will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. It is also estimated that untreated mental health conditions cost Australian workplaces approximately $10.9 billion per year and work related mental stress Workers Compensation claims ...


The Jobseeker model MUST change

I cannot stay quiet any longer! Today I saw another client who was anxious, visibly upset and desperate for help.  Whilst as a career counsellor I am not supposed to become emotionally involved, I cannot help but ask, 'where are we going wrong with our current job active/seeker model?' My client was a male (let’s call ...

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